
About Hotel Principe III Cusco

Unforgettable experiences in unforgettable places.

The team of the Principe III Hotel knows how hard is making a decision when you want to stay. But fortunately, the Principe III is your best choice to stay in Cusco. Just bringus your curiosity and sense of adventure and we’ll do the rest.

Our company has a spirit of service, bringing the staying of a 05-star Hotel to our guests restaurants.

Our Hotel in Cusco has all the requirements provided DRIT (Regional Direction of Industry and Tourism of Perú) and PromPeru (The Office for the Promotion of Tourism of the Peruvian Government) to run accommodation and tourism.

The Principe III Hotel believe that excellence safety and quality of services is our commitment to our guests and tourists, so we strive to meet their needs and their demands.

We make a difference!

Sustainable tourism

Our Hotel in Cusco, is a Christian company which was founded on the principle of love to the next, excellence, competitiveness and our company is committed to the welfare of various communities in the region of Cusco.

We look for a responsible tourism means sustainable tourism, we are actors and not observers, encourage the improvement in the quality of life of the Andean population that is possessed of attraction and conserve our environment by controlling our impact involving this activity.

So we consider this the main promoter of the sustainable tourism for the tourists who prefer and choose Peru as majestic tourist destination.


Promoting tourism in Peru by innovative ways of offering tourism activities, accommodation for the national and international tourists.

Providing the best customer service and being part of your memories.

Contributing to improving the Peruvian business in hosting services, promoting respect for men, nature and respect for a dignified life.

Helping people with  financial resources, especially for the children in the urban areas of Cuzco, focused on education, health. With your  staying you are making the lives of these children better.


In our Hotel in Cusco it is to give the best service to all our guests as a specialist in the good service, and therefore consider Peru as the best tourist destination in the world, thanks to the attractions that this has.

Social help

We are people who want people !

Principe III Hotel is committed to two moral principles that are : ” Love your neighbor as yourself ” and “Help to the needy .”

These two commitments are the reasons that inspire and strengthen us because we believe that there is nothing greater than being helpful for the most needy.

Hotel Príncipe III reasons and motives why you should choose us

These are some of the reasons that will make your lodging in Cusco the best experience, we know that with all these services you will enjoy your vacations in Cusco

Hotel you will love

A modern hotel near the main square.

Immediate Confirmation

Your reservation is guaranteed, discounts on online reservations.

24/7 Customer Service

We help you get to know the world.
